Ming's Musings
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
We were just discussing today how young girls these days expect their parents to pay for their breast implants."Wow" I said. "How terrible to be under this pressure, do you think they get this from school?". "yeah..." Alicia responded. "They probably get all this pressures from the movies, magazines, and society in genral...!?"
"Funny, in the Philippines, the people are not so much into the breast implants but if they had the courage and naturally the cash... they'd go for a nose job!" I said.
"In Taiwan" my friend Sharon chipped in, "they have thier eyes slit wide open".
The pain people have to go through to achieve a certain standard of beauty. I choose to develop my inner beauty, it is cheaper and less painful that way.:)
Posted by mingsworld.com ::
12:49 AM ::
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