Ming's Musings
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Bunny Wedding
I just flew in from Mexico, and was still zoned out from my trip when my lovely dear neighbor came to call. "Ming, I just want to drop by and give you something for christmas!" she said. "Great! My house is a mess, I am a mess, I am physically here but my spirit is still in Mexico!" I replied. "No Problem!" she says, "I don't have make-up on either and am still in my jammies too!" So she came during lunchtime and we started to catch up over the season's activities while I was gone.
"I gotta go now" she says as she started to get up "I still have to attending a bunny wedding!" "Oh, who's getting married? " I asked curiously. "Honey Spice and Butterscotch!They are my daughter's bunnies!" She beamed like a proud bunny mother-in-law. She explained further, "They have been breeding without end, so my daughter decided to wed them rather than let them live in sin! Isabela, my granddaughter is so excited, she will be the flower girl once more!" "Oh how cool!Will there be a reception?" I asked. "Yes! Definitely!" she responded. "Wow" I exclaimed."
Please take some pictures!"
Posted by mingsworld.com ::
10:54 PM ::

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